The Book “Architecture of Details”

Published in 2014
The book “Component Architecture” is a collection over one hundred architectural details which have been designed and constructed by Mohammad Reza Nikbakht during the years he had been running Zandigan architecture company. This book is comprised of eighteen chapters each of which is allocated to various details which have been performed in a particular project. These eighteen projects which have been chronologically ordered in the book date back to the period between 2000 and 2013.
The details collected in this book involve diverse architectural elements ranging from railings and shades to fireplaces and handles below each of which there are pertaining pictures and plans. Along with these documents, there are also technical notes regarding the building material and methods mentioned in order to facilitate the comprehension of the significant points concerning design and construction of the details. Noteworthy is that architectural and in some cases even artistic approaches applied in the design of these details have distinguished this book from its corresponding counterparts.
The book has been published in square copies in 250 pages, and as the writer asserts in the preface, other volumes will be consecutively published in the future.
Sales Centers: Parham Publications, Book City, and the bookstore of the architecture faculty