The Book “Architecture of Details Vol. 2”

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It should be considered that whatever is noticed in this book is the product of the present condition in Iran and its due requirements. I hope that in the future, we will publish the new efforts we are experiencing in this field in the form of the next volumes of this book and make them available to those who are interested.

There have undoubtedly been some people, without the sincere assistance, persuasion and company of whom, preparation and publication of this book was truthfully impossible. I hereby pay my heart-felt re­spect and gratitude to them; because designing and supervising the execution of the details that you will see in this book is only one part of publishing such a book. Gathering and arranging the documentation of these components, which is done in accordance with the professional work in the office, by several people, is another part that requires the unification of information and the elimination of their possible shortcom­ings in order to communicate with the audience.

Today, This book is being published seven years after the first volume in 2015 and introduce 18 project de­signed by Zandigan Architects as follow the luck that happened to it, I was looking to share my experiences with future projects. Today, the second volume of this book is published, I truthfully present it to the wise and discerning readers with which these experiences are intended to be shared. The readers who own in­numerable motivations all throughout the trend will be the creators of richer and more innovative ideas in the field.

During all the years (more than twenty)that I had been working by Mr.Ahmadi’s side and then at Zandigan architectural design office, I was involved in a continual process of studying the details to find their undeni­able role in today’s architecture and to insert them particularly in designing residential constructions which were directly in contact with people’s lives. As a result, I came to know some of the shortcomings in the field and I realized that in most cases, trial and error tends to be the only solution inevitably. The points which were enthuse me to discuss them with others were the most probable clues which gave the strongest mo­tivation of publishing such a book in my mind.

All those years throughout which I have been doing activities as a professional architect in Iran, inquisitive­ness about the architectural detailing, its role and position has always been a constant companion of mine. Following the track of my inquiries in search of the initial traces of the process, I am led to the vicissitudes of my college days, when my tendency to think in small scales gave rise to endless questions in the course of practical detail design while being exposed to the puzzling contradictions of technical and artistic demands in the field. The central question was an indomitable quest for the reason(s) why we stop the design pro­cess right at the threshold of the details and leave them to be merely defined and governed by technical rules despite the fact that they were readily seen in concretely tangible constructions and the user analyzed them even more attentively than the whole body of construction in general. Like whether the existing con­tradictions between the technical and aesthetic requirements are real or unreal . All these inquiries were renewed for me when I gained a chance to co-operate with Mr.Behruz Ahmadi. He opened a new horizon in my mind and taught me to take a new approach in terms of my reflections on technical requirements as well as the indigenous aesthetic system besides many other profitable instructions. Therefore this book should certainly be dedicated to him.